Sunday 29 December 2013

Red, Yellow and Blue

De Stijl 

People assume that the periodical´s name De Stijl was taken from the writings of the German architect Gottfried Semper. In reality it meant Dutch for the style. It was founded by Theo Van Doesburg in 1917 and published in Leyden until 1932. They www publishing a journal every month so they show them the range of artist to who were concerned with a new art : painters, sculptors, architects, urban planners, typographers, interior designers and decorative artists, musicians, poet and dramatists. They were searching for a new imagery that was characterised by the elementary components of the primary colours, rectangular forms, flatness and  only straight line that represented the sprit of the times. They were not using figurative design which reflected the new industrial society. The people had felt that the new style had connection with Cubism, they also belched that the movement had become obscured by more fashionable aesthetic principles. 

Many contribution were by architects, including J.J.P.Oud, Jan Wills, Gerrit Rietveld and Robert Van´t Hof, Piet Modrian was responsible for around 70% of the contents of these issues. De Stijl gave Mondrian the opportunity to published the aesthetic theories that he held attempted to articulate from 1909, the later impression that he and De Stijl were synonymous results from his huge contribution to these issues. 

Gerrit Rietveld

Gerrit Rietveld was an architect and furniture designer. He started working in his father furniture workshop at the age of 12, he started to work with a draughtsman for C.J Begeer a jeweller in Utrecht from 1906 to 1911. He even took evening classes in drawing and the study of ornamentation at Kunstindustrieel Onderwijs der Vereeniging in Utrecht. Bart Vander leak was of great importance for Rietveld´s development in his work. He learnt of recent national and international trends in architecture and the applied arts. 

Gerrit Rietveld

Red Blue chair (1923)

Dining chair designed by Gerrit Thomas Rietveld (1919)

Rietveld Schröder House 

The Rietveld Schröder house in Utrecht was built in 1924 by Dutch architect Gerrit Rietveld for Mrs Trus Schroder-Schrader and her three children. She commissioned the house to be designed preferably with no walls. Rietveld sketched the designs for Schroder, she 
wanted a  connection with the inside and the outside. She lived in the house for 60 years.

This link shows and explain more from the inside of the house.

Piet Mondrian

Piet Mondrian was a Dutch pioneer of abstract art, who developed from early landscape picture of geometric abstract work. He was born in Amsterdam Academy (1892-1904) and he was a part-time painter with Simon Mans. They painted landscapes in the Hague School tradition. He started work in 1908 and joined the Theosophic Organisation in 1909. The First one-man exhibition with C.R.H Spoor and Jan Sluyters at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ,1909. When he was living in Paris he was inspired by Cubism. He carried the point of abstraction and when he returned in Holland in 1914 he evolved a more simplified abstract style which he called Neo-Plasticism. The three primary colours were allowed and black grid with horizontal and vertical lines on a white background it was linked to Van Doesburg in the De Stijl movement (1917-1923).

  Piet Mondrian - Gray Tree 1911 early experimentation with Cubism 

Pablo Picasso - Three Women (1907-08)

Pablo Picasso - Woman’s Head Fernande sculpture (1909)

This clothing are inspired from the De Stijl movement. 

In the De Stijl Movement there was the First World War and in that time Holland was Neutral.

Referencing : 

The Sapphire Theme. 2009. Sneakerboxxes. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 December 13].

The Museum of Modern Art. 2013. Art Thems. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 December 13].

Rietveld Schroder House. 2008. ArchDaily . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 December 13].

Lisa Thatcher . 2012. Line over Form. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 December 13].

wp. 2011. Pablo Picasso-House-on-the-Hill-Horta-de-Ebro. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 December 13].

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