Sunday 26 January 2014

Dieter Rams

Dieter Rams born 20 May 1932 in Wiesbaden, Hessen is a German industrial designer. He worked for Braun, he studied in architecture and interior decoration at Wiesbaden School of Art in 1947 and in 1948 he stopped from studying and continued his apprenticeship as a carpenter. He continued the school in 1948 and he graduated with honours in 1953.

He went to work with Otto Apel who was and established architect. In 1955 he went to work with Braun as an architect and interior designer but in 1961 he wa promoted at the Chief Design Officer at Braun until 1995. His designs were influenced from his grandfather who was a carpenter. Dieter had a phrase which he said ´´Less, but better´´ Dieter Rams designed many products for Braun including the famous SK-4 record player, high-quality ´b` series (D45, D46) of 35mm film slide projectors. He also designed a furniture collection for Vitsoe in the 1960´s, one of the most famous designs are the 606 University Shelving System and 620 Chart Programme.

Dieter Rams designed the ABR 21 signal radio in (1978)

BRAUN Receiver Regie 510 made by Rams

TP1 by Dieter Rams


Braun RT20 by Dieter Rams

Dieter Rams - Hairdryer (1970)

Combination of Vitsoe and Braun designs by Rams

Rams managed to make Braun a household name in the 1950´s because he designed electronic gadgets that were remarkable, they were aesthetically and user friendly and electronic gadget were at its best because the were new.

Braun DW30 made by Dieter Rams and Dietrich Lubs made back in 1978

This watch is based on the principles of Dieter Rams.

These are the 10 terms for good design that Dieter always design by these terms which are 1: Innovative, 2 : Useful, 3 : Aesthetic, 4 : Understandable, 5 : Unobtrusive, 6 : Honest, 7 : Long Lasting, 8 : Down to the last detail, 9 : Environmentally friendly, 10 : little design as possible - Less, but better. 

Dieter Rams house and work shop 

Today we can see in electronic devices that they goes by the principles that Dieter Rams gave them such as the famous Apple Company and Samsung. The Apple has a slick and minimal design which seem aesthetically correct, when you use there products you think that they cannot improve there product further.

These are some products from the latest Apple designs : iPod, iPad, Macbook.

Referencing :

Yannick Brouwer. 2009. Dieter Rams. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 January 14].

Vitsoe. 2009. Vitsoe Dieter Rams. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 January 14].

Ayesha Tarar . 2013. Gadget Dairy. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 January 14].

T-Mobile Polska. 2014. T-MOBILE TRENDY. [ONLINE] Available at:,4515,ipad_mini_-_krol_tabletow_po_kuracji_odchudzajacej,testy,1.html. [Accessed 24 January 14].

ANANDTECH. 1997. The 2011 MacBook Air (11 & 13-inch): Thoroughly Reviewed. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 January 14].

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