Sunday 26 January 2014

Ergonomic Design

Ergonomics is about designing for people, wherever they interact with the products. Usually, people don't notice good design unless it is exceptional. Normal people notice poor design. Ergonomic design is there to compliment the strengths and abilities of people and minimise the effects of their limitations, rather than forcing them to adapt to the surroundings.

Many designers are designing for people in need for people in the third world countries.
In the picture above we can see poor people using a very good innovative design which is a foot paddle washing machine. They can also carry water with this device. Hence it will be easier to walk back home without water containers on their heads.

 An other good idea is the last part of the bicycle with a dynamo attached to it. The dynamo was frequently used in the past when batteries did not exist yet and it had light attached to it. This works in a similar way but instead it has a mobile charger attached to it.

Door knobs were invented a long time ago in about 1870s in the United States. Although this was a  good invention at that time, it had to develop further because people with hand disabilities couldn't open the door by using its knob. As a result many years later the door handle was invented.

As we can see in this picture of the door handle an LED is fixed into the door handle so when the lights are switched off one can see it immediately.

The men’s razor blade was evolved throughout these years. First it consisted of one blade with two opposite tips, which made it disposable. The disposable blades were more protective and more hygienic because one could use it one time and throw it away. However, today electric razors became popular where you buy one and use for many more times than the disposable ones. 

 Old man razor.

The Gillette evolution of man´s razor blades.

Electric razor for man.

Even the ice cream scoop was developed so it could be easier to use. The last ice cream scoop which was designed by Karl Urlich, is the most ergonomically correct with humans.

Ice cream scoop by Karl Urlich

Old mouse and keyboard with few ergonomic functions.

Also, technological equipment usually gets improved by designers when seeing the criticism of the public such as the old mouse and keyboard which were ergonomically incorrect.

Additionally, the scissors had to be arranged due to the fact that left handed people had a problem when using normal scissors since it was designed for right handed persons. Now scissors were invented in order to meet the need of both left and right handed people.

Referencing :

HyunJu Kim. 2013. Lifestraw. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 January 14].

jamesrobertwatson. 2000. Design for the other 90%. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 January 14].

Thermoformable 3000 . 2013. vivadia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 January 14].

Yanko Design. 2014. LEDoorHandle . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 January 14].

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