Thursday 2 January 2014

Evolving Throughout The Use Of Technology

The Danish Designer Verner Panton designed the Panton chair (1967) using plastic but not the same plastic that we know at this time because it wasn´t improved that much. The first layer of material that he used was type of fibre glass and then coated with the plastic material / finish. It came very popular because of its very simple form but it doesn´t have any legs for support it just part of the chair. 

Panton chair - Verner Panton 

Tom Dixon took the inspiration from the Panton chair and he made the S-chair. 

S-chair - Tom Dixon 

The first nuclear reactor was Chicago Pile - 1 in 1957. It was part of the Manhattan Project, it was carried out by Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago. 

 The Berlin Wall was the barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). The construction of the wall began in 1961. they divided West Berlin from East Berlin, the Berlin wall had guard tower and placed large long concrete. This wall was erected to protect its population.

The Beatles were an English rock band, they started the band in Liverpool in 1960. the group members were John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr. They had influenced the rock era, they were experimenting with different types of music, pop ballads to Psychedelic rock. Psychedelia was the most famous drug at that time that gives you hallucinations but it soon became illegal because they were using it to get high it was supposed to be a medicine. The Beatles became one of the most famous bands at the time  when they were on TV in 1964.  

Psychedelia poster

In 1965 the USA sent there troops in Vietnam.

Martin Luther King was associated when he was standing on the balcony of his metal room in Memphis, where a protest was coming through because of striking garbage workers.

In 1969 man had landed on the moon by the use of a space shuttle and its name was Apollo 11.

At this time we also had the baby boom because of the war. 

All of these thing had an effect on that time. People started to like this thing about space the lifestyle was evolving and adopting to all of these thing that they were happening. Drugs were coming more popular to the people. People didn´t what to fight that why we had the hippies and all of the piece sines. 

Andy Warhole - Marilyn Monroe

Roy Lichtenstein - one of his first comics 

Claes Oldenburg - Soft Toilette 

Claes Oldenburg - Giant BLT (Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich) 1963


Noble Prize. 2013. Martin Luther King Jr. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 December 13].

World of Designers. 2013. Designer Verner Panton . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 December 13].

Context . 2013. FIRST FRIDAY: ROY LICHTENSTEIN AT THE TATE. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 December 13].

Whitney Museum of American Art. 2008. WATCH AND LISTEN. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 December 13].

A+E Television Networks, LLC.. 1996. Martin Luther King Jr. biography. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 December 13].

ANI. 2012. World's first moon landing a historic achievement: Neil Armstrong. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 December 13].

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