Sunday 26 January 2014

Environmental Design

Billions of plastic bottles are thrown away every year. Firstly, the bottles go to a recycling centre where they are shredded. Then they are boxed and shipped all over the world. Normally, the Chinese textile industry uses a lot of these materials for their clothing. Next, the plastic is sorted according to the colour because through transparent plastic, white cloth or material which can be dyed can be produced. Then the stickers and lids are removed. After, the plastic are washed and made into more coloured plastic. Anther step is needed where the plastic is put into a tube at a temperature of 200°C and it turns into thread. It must be stretched and combined at this stage when it is still heated because the fibres are bound together. After this process it is torn apart as fluff similar to the texture of wool but actually it forms polyester. The material is strengthened with more processes and finally it becomes ready to be tied. It is collected in machines that work like a spider by making small loops. After the material is given to factories they try not to waste material by producing usable stuff.

Designed dress from recycled materials.

Bamboo plants are becoming very popular in Chinese forests. A bamboo plant can grow almost 1 metre a day. They are emerging in the South West of China all the to Shan-Ki. This is the reason why environmental design is encouraging designers to use bamboos for their furniture because we are cutting too many trees and the rate of deforestation is exponentially growing. 

 Chinese Bamboo

Outdoor bench made from bamboo

Bamboo is also being used for out door furniture and swimming pool areas because its water proof / water resistant. 

Green buildings are also known as sustainable buildings meaning that processes are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient. This work must be done together with the architect, engineer and the people who are going to use the building. Green buildings must be economical, utilised, durable and comfortable. New technologies are being developed then added to these buildings. The principal things needed for green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment, health and the natural environment by using efficient energy, water and other resources, treating occupant health and improving employee productivity and also reducing waste.

This is the Adobe building in the U.S, it is one of the most economical buildings.

Referencing : 

Zululand Marketing. 2014. Zululand. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 January 14].

Hansgrohe Group. 2013. Hansgrohe Group. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 January 14].

Doug L. James,. 2007. Twenty-First Century Waterfall. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 January 14].

FBF Family Before Fortune. 2014. FBF Family Before Fortune. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 January 14].

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